At the time of applying for a Bank Loan in the Dominican Republic, You must take into account the following recommendations, to make it easier for any doubt or documentation necessary for this type of banking procedures.
Persons of Dominican nationality, They can acquire a loan of normally 80% of the sale price. Some banks under certain conditions offer 90%.
All this will depend on your Credit bureau and that has Dominican ID in effect.
In the case of foreigners, They can apply for a loan of 50 to 60% of the sale price of the property.
Who can buy a mortgage loan?
Dominican citizens residing in the Dominican Republic.
Dominicans residing abroad.
In this case, together with your Real Estate Advisor in Punta Cana you can do each step, and thus manage with qualified professionals in this area.
Visit our blog and so you can expand more details on this important topic when acquiring your property in the beautiful Dominican Republic.